Sunday, June 2, 2013

5 Weeks Out

Ok. Down to 5 Weeks
This is when the crazy really starts kickin in....

Overall, things are moving along at a steady pace. I checked in with Noel over the weekend and I was THRILLED with my progress this week. My pictures are showing significant improvement from last week, especially in my lower body (thankyoubabyjesus!). Also, my fascination (yes, fascination NOT obsession) with the scale continues...I dropped a little over a pound this week and I'm sitting at 135lbs even! HOT DAYUM! I never thought I'd see the day where I was excited to be 135lbs lol but I've made incredible progress from last season and now that all the sloppy shit weight I put on over the winter has fallen off, I can SEE all of my work coming together..It's really amazing and part of what makes this process so much fun. 

Random tidbits: 

* I'm running on auto pilot and my days are pretty structured to a T, for some reason lately there keeps being wrenches thrown into my schedule and it's pissing me off. There are only so many hours in the day, I NEED organization!
*Hungry. Yes I am
*Sleep is a luxury for me at this point. I wake up early, go to sleep late and over the last couple of weeks I am lucky if I get 5hrs a night and they are NOT consecutive. 
* Focused. Like, want it so bad I can taste it focused and I'm not talking cake here. 
*I'm sort of hitting a wall if you will..there is the point of prep where nothing is happening, then BOOM! Before you know it, you're 5wks out and the 'to-do' list is a mile fuckin long..One minute I'm chill as can be and the next I'm a fuckin spaz...I need a personal assistant, who works for free lol
*I love my friends. They are awesome <3
*Posing practice NEEDS to become more of a scheduled priority. While I run through it here and there, I need to block out time and just do work. I like the slight tweaks that I've made, but it's not a natural movement for me, so I need to really work on them. 
*Routine...HELP ME!

Ok, I think I about covered all the shit bouncing around in my head...

5 weeks out   
 *the quest for feathered glutes*

Training: 4 Day split/typically 5 on/1 off..moderate and intense/super sets
Diet: Low fats/Moderate carb/High protein; 2gal H2o (sometimes 3!)
Cardio: 20-30min step mill sessions (time varies depending on how many sessions I break it up into)
Supplementation: Champion Nutrition's Multi-V, Omega 3 Fish Oil, Performance BCAA's, ProFlex Advance Joint Support, Liver Cleanse, Muscle Nitro PM, Power Creatine, Power Glutamine, Pure Whey and my crack,ThermoGold (3x a day lol)


  1. Keep kicking ass and inspiring us! Love the brutal honesty and not sugar coating it...this is a rarity these days!!

    1. Thanks Keri <3 I think I was born without a filter lol I'm raw and honest, the good and the bad :)
