Sunday, December 29, 2013

2013 is a wrap!

I have a tendency to get caught up in the here and now, in the tomorrow that I forget to stop and take a look back (I promise, it's not gonna get all emotional up in here...)

2013 seems to have gone by with such a quickness, somewhat of a blur...I feel like I blinked and it was gone! The reality is, a lot has happened over the last year and when I stop to look back at how far I've come, it truly amazes me. While my posts are usually training/competition/diet focused, it's all just a piece of the puzzle in my life that shapes who I am. This was a year full of  growth....physically (duh!) but more importantly, mentally and emotionally.

When I look back to the person I was and what my life was like just this time last year, I seems as if I'm light years from that girl. I had many moments of frustration, of doubt throughout the year, moments where I felt like just throwing my hands up and saying "fuck this shit"...and truth be told, I did....a few times lol but as I always do, I got my shit together and just kept moving forward, because really there is no other option.

Life is  roller coaster, there will ALWAYS be ups and downs, 2013 was no different but who I am and how I deal with things are very different. I can honestly say, the highs were hella amazing and far out weighed the low points. I learned a lot about myself, about other people and made some incredible memories along the way...good or bad, it's an experience and at the end of the day, I'm a better person for it..

Ok, enough of me getting all philosophical on ya...
2013 is in the books and it's time to turn the page. Thank you to everyone who's followed along my crazy train over the last never ceases to amaze me that people actually read my ramblings. I appreciate all of the support, messages, comments bitches betta get ready cause 2014 is going to be a fuckin blast!

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